Dalgarno staff are passionate, qualified and experienced in child development, with each child being assigned a key-worker; we understand the importance of following each child’s own needs.

All employees have been police checked (DBS) and have undergone reference checks.

All of our staff team hold child care qualifications such as the NVQ in the Early Years Care and Education or are working towards these or further qualifications.

We at the Dalgarno are committed to continual professional development though training to help all our staff keep up to date with best practice and thinking developed in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework and of course the ever changing needs of the children.

Ana Pumar


Ana plays an important role in ensuring that all children at Dalgarno Pre-school are provided with a well balanced and stimulating learning environment. She takes pride in providing a range of appropriate indoor, outdoor and out of setting learning experiences and opportunities that aid all children's learning and development at Dalgarno Pre-school. Ana is level 3 qualified and believes every child learns and develops in different ways and at different rates and will learn if the learning environment is well planned for and prepared.

Dina Awada

Deputy Pre-school Manager and SENDCO

With over 15 years experience working at Dalgarno pre-school, Dina has a wealth of experience working with children and their families in the local area. She has expert knowledge and experience working with children with special educational needs and disability and currently runs speech and language groups supporting children that have speech and language delay. Dina is level 3 qualified and is trained to identity and support children additional needs. She has a passionate about providing an all inclusive practice removing all barriers to learning for all children. She believes culture, religion, learning difficulties or disabilities should not hinder a child's learning at Dalgarno Pre-school.

Sylvia Church

Lead Safeguarding and Child Protection Officer

Sylvia plays an important role in ensuring all safeguarding and welfare requirements are met in the absence of the Lead Safeguarding and Child Protection Officer. She regularly supports the lead officer in promoting a 'culture of safety' at Dalgarno Pre-school and is committed to empowering children through the curriculum, promoting their right to be strong, resilient and listened to.

Sylvia has strong parent partnership skills and believes building trusting and supportive relationships with families is key for the welfare of all children. Sylvia is level 3 trained

Tina Manning

Health and Safety Officer

Tina takes on the role of ensuring that Dalgarno Pre-school is a safe and secure environment for the children, their families, staff and all users. Tina understands the importance of children thriving in a safe learning environment and regularly carries out risk assessments to ensure this. Her duties not only extend to the safety and suitability of the premises, environment and equipment but also to the needs of each child at Dalgarno Pre-school in terms procedures relating to nappy changing, food and drink, hygiene and managing children who become sick or have allegies. Tina is level 2 trained.

Laura Manning

Cover Worker

We are pleased to welcome Laura to our team!

Parent / Carers Rota

In case of staff absence due to sickness or training we would like to have a list of parent/s/carers who would be willing to help us on a voluntary basis. The pre-school has a dated rota which is on the parent/s/carers notice board which you can sign if you would like to help at a particular session or sessions.

Helping at the session is voluntary and is an excellent opportunity to find out how your child is progressing in the group and to meet the other children he/she is playing with. This also enables you to see what the day-to-day life of the pre-school is all about and to help children to get the best out of their activities.  Any activities parent/s/carers wish to share or do are most welcome, however please check in advance with the staff.

Dalgarno Pre-School is a self-funding organisation. We occasionally hold fundraising events, which help to raise money for staff salaries, equipment, outings, rent and improving premises. Any fundraising events are encouraged and all ideas and comments are most welcome

Parent/s/carers are expected to attend outings organised by the pre-school to maintain a safe adult to child ratio and to enjoy the day.