Dalgarno Pre-School is a high quality Ofsted registered early education and childcare setting that provides your child with a stimulating learning environment run by experienced and motivated staff. We are proud of our history of meeting children’s and parental need in the North Kensington area since 1974.

The early education and childcare offered by Dalgarno helps and enriches your child’s learning experience by providing a varied range of interests and experiences that are tailored to their age and stage of development and helps give them the best start in life.  As Ofsted said in their last report:

“Staff have high expectations for all children based on comprehensive information gathered on children when they join about their background, interests and needs.”

Our nursery is run by a voluntary management committee composed of people with longstanding experience in running community organisations.

We are a member of the National Pre-School Learning Alliance (PSLA) and their training and advice adds an additional layer of excellence to our work.

We cater for working and non-working parents and offer places for children from 18 months to four years. These can be either wholly funded by Government or parents can buy all of the hours of childcare they need or top up hours for funded children.

We are keen to meet parents’ requirements so don’t hesitate to tell us about your needs! Working in partnership with parents underpins our ethos so we are always happy to hear about what you need and how we can improve what we offer.

If you would like to register your child for a place or have any queries please call 020 8969 1463 and ask for Ana Pumar.



We are committed to providing quality affordable childcare and early education for working and non-working parents.

We believe that all children are unique, and strive to provide a safe and stimulating environment, where all children have equal opportunities to grow and learn basic life skills,  enabling them to become independent, confident, kind, caring individuals.


Our Early Years Space and Offer

Our Pre-School is located within the Dalgarno Community Centre in North Kensington, on the ground floor.

The pre-school has a main central room which has been divided into different environments or themes and has an additional room where the children can indulge in messy play activities. The children have their own twin toilet facilities and there is also a small kitchen on site where we prepare snacks and store the children's packed lunches.

The pre-school has access to other rooms and space within the Community Centre during the day for activities such as lunch and children’s P.E.

Local Trips and Outings

We regularly take our children to the local surrounding park areas, for example the children recently collected autumn leavesin the park for their college display. We also occasionally organise supermarket trips for the children to purchase food items for their snack time. We believe providing positive out of setting learning experiences gives the child a greater understanding of their community and the world around them.

The pre-school organise safe, stimulating outings and events for our families and staff. We have previously organised trips to Odd’s Farm, Paradise Wildlife Park, Willows Farm, Bramleys Play Adventure and the Lyric Theatre.

Weekly PE Sessions and Family Sports Day

At Dalgarno Pre-school, we believe children need to be active every day to release that excess energy that so many of our young children have! Our weekly PE sessions with a qualified instructor stimulates growth and concentration, increases stamina, and improvesmotor skills and co-ordination. Our annual fun family sports day always gives children a sense of achievement when they receive praise and encouragement from their parents, peers and sports coaches. This helps to build their self-esteem and self-confidence.

Food Bank Donations

At Dalgarno Pre-school, we take pride in being part of the community and encourage our children to play a vital role in the community and make a positive contribution by donating food to our local food bank.


Dalgarno Pre-school is a charitable self-funding organisation. We occasionally hold fundraising events which help to raise money for equipment, outings and improvements to our learning environment. Previous fundraising events were Pyjama Day, Spanish Day, St Patricks Day, Christmas Raffle and Easter Egg Hunt. We welcome fundraising ideas or comment from our parents and carers.

If you, or anyone you know, feel able to make a direct financial donation to our pre-school, please see the details of how to do this on the donations page.