What We Offer

At Dalgarno Pre-school we offer our parents flexibility by offering breakfast from 8.15am and full time sessions up till 6pm subject to availability. Your child can stay for lunch after a morning session or come before an afternoon session. You will need to provide a packed lunch since we don’t currently have kitchen facilities on site.

Starting your child's pre-school education is a big step and we want to ensure that the transition from home to pre-school is an easy one. When your child first attends our pre-school they attend the morning session first until both key person and parent/s/carers feel the child is ready to stay for lunch and afternoon sessions.

It is essential that parent/s/carers are punctual when picking up their child. This is to ensure the child does not become distressed and if at 11:45am that lunch time can begin for the children staying for the later sessions. If parent/s/carers are going to be late they must phone to notify the staff.

Our Day

8.15amWelcome children for breakfast session.
8.45amWelcome and free play – Children and their families are welcomed by staff. The children put their coats on their peg. They find their water bottle label/pictures on the water table and place them on their water bottles. The children choose from a variety of free play activities both indoor and outdoor that support children’s learning and development across the 7 areas of learning e.g. role play, mark making, puzzles, painting, messy play, cars and bikes.
10.30amSnack time – The children are encouraged to be independent; they wash their hands before snack and help place cups and plates on the snack table. To support motor skills and hand eye co-ordination the children cut their fruit and spread cream cheese or butter on their toast, crumpet or cracker. The children place their rubbish in the waste bin.
11.00amChild initiated and adult led activities – Some children will have small group time with their key person focusing on activities around the children’s interest. Once a week the children have P.E with a sports coach. Also, speech and language groups for those children who need these sessions will be available to support their spoken language.
11.25amTidy up time – All children are encouraged to help to put the resources away in the correct places.
11.35amCircle time – This consists of story time with the use of props, singing, days of the week, ‘show and tell’ and celebrating children’s achievements.
11.45amCollection time/lunch time - All morning session children are collected by parents and the children staying for lunch wash their hands. Independence is promoted allowing the children to place plates and cutlery on the table, unpack their packed lunch and place their rubbish in the bin.
12.15pmWelcome and free play for the afternoon children.
1.30pmSnack time
2.00pm Child initiated and adult led activities.
2.55pmTidy up time.
3.05pmCircle time.